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Author's Libraries

These collections include illustrious examples of books, documentary material as well as private funds linked to eminent figures or entire families. The author's libraries testify the relevant historical and cultural legacy of the Campania Region.

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Narrative Itineraries

narrative itinerary

The Precious Ligatures of the Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli

The Precious Ligatures of the Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli collection includes about 7000 works  belonging to the Private Library of the Bourbons, as evidenced by the special embossed stamp inside with the three lilies. 

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Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri in Naples

An extraordinary civic museum on the central Via Duomo in a 15th century building which was dismantled and rebuilt a few meters behind during the work of the Restoration of Naples: a place che la città si ritrova grazie a Gaetano Filangieri, principe di Satriano, che lo ha donato alla città

Earthly upheavals. Testimonies of seismic events in the Kingdom

On November 23, 1980, a catastrophic earthquake struck Irpinia and Basilicata causing thousands of victims. The Archivio di Stato di Caserta, in collaboration with the Archivio Storico della Reggia, will commemorate the day with the documentary exhibition "Terrestri sconvolgimenti - testimonianze di eventi sismici nel Regno".

On the Pilgrims' Routes: Traces of European Itineraries

On 21 and 22 September, the Archivio di Stato di Avellino participates in the European Heritage Days with a cartographic exhibition entitled “On the pilgrims' routes: traces of European routes in Principality Ultra”.
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