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Inventario del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale Campano (IPIC)

Inventari o del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale Campano The Campania Region has established the inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of Campania, Inventario del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale Campano (IPIC).

The Inventory catalogues the intangible cultural heritage and traditional practices related to traditions, knowledge, practices and know-how of the Campania community, as defined by the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of 17 October 2003, ratified by Italy with law no. 167/2007.

The term "intangible cultural heritage" refers to practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, know-how, social customs, rituals and collective holidays, including religious ones, as well as tools, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated with them, that communities recognize as part of the cultural heritage of Campania. People transmit them from generation to generation, and they are constantly recreated according to the environment, the interaction with nature and their history as a sense of identity and continuity. This is a way to promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.

Inventari o del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale Campano Those who apply for to add a cultural element in the IPIC have to demonstrate also: the historicity of the cultural element, the practice of which must be attested at least in the 50 years preceding the application for inscription, the persistence of social values and cultural meanings related to the identity value of the cultural element, the persistence of moments of formal and informal transmission, the involvement of younger generations, respect for gender equality in access to the cultural element and - the active participation of the community of reference in the implementation of actions for the preservation and enhancement of the cultural element.
The establishment of the Inventory is an action to safeguard and enhance the cultural foundations of the Region that otherwise risk being forgotten and dispersed. The Inventory is a tool to preserve the vitality of the intangible cultural heritage and to support those subjects, public or private, who actively participate in its valorization and management, provided they are non-profit. By Resolution of the Regional Council no. 265 of 08/05/2018 the Disciplinary of the Inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Campania was approved.

With subsequent Resolution of the Regional Council no. 626 of 10/12/2019, the IPIC (Inventory of Campania's Intangible Cultural Heritage) Specification, approved by Resolution of the Regional Council no. 265 of 08/05/2018, was amended and integrated.

Nominations, as per the specifications, can be submitted from September 1 to January 31 of the following year. Each community may submit a maximum of 3 nominations. For each nomination submitted, the community must indicate the section in which its registration is requested.


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Nuovo disciplinare IPIC

Elenco iscrivibili 2018

224 KB pdf

Elenco iscrivibili 2019

282 KB pdf