null Biblioteca dell'Istituto tecnico statale Michelangelo Buonarroti

Biblioteca dell'Istituto tecnico statale Michelangelo Buonarroti

Dettaglio luoghi

This institution corresponds to a cultural location which is part of the digital ecosystem.
To find out more, go to the related institution.

Dettaglio luoghi

The locations of the digitisation

In this section you can consult the cultural locations managed by Biblioteca dell\'Istituto tecnico statale Michelangelo Buonarroti involved in the digitisation activities of Sistema Informativo Culturale - Move to Cloud - Ecosistema digitale per la Cultura. The information asset is constantly updated and it will continue to be expanded over time thanks to ongoing actions and future initiatives promoted by the Campania Region.

2 cultural locations

luogo culto Villa o palazzo di interesse storico o artistico

Reggia di Caserta

Further information

Address: viale Michelangelo, 1 - Caserta , Caserta




Web site: